Sunday, October 4, 2009

...More pictures from Lisa

Lisa has always tagged me as Karsh, and Wayne as Karsh Jr.  Well, now here are more images from our newest photographer...  Karshette.






1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! WE SHOULD BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been SO AWESOME to watch you guys through this trip.......we are "there" in spirit....i swear I can smell the salt air and "feel" the sun........great pictures of GREAT PEEPS!!!!! Yahoo for you!!!! We miss are booked for a "debriefing" and cocktails and food at the "ranch"..............cant wait to see you all!!!!!!!!! Greece will NEVER BE THE SAME I am sure after you guys! Love travels.....................
    The Sajkos and Coco????;)
